Your support helps us do what we do – supporting your feet!
After all, we don’t have customers – we only have Kakis.
That’s part and parcel of being a little family-run orthopedic shoe shop (without any money to spend on advertising). We rely on your honest reviews on Facebook and Google – also, word-of-mouth sharing of what we do.
And for that, Owen and Clarence are very grateful. So thanks again – we’re always doing our best to serve each of you with the utmost sincerity, care, and professionalism.
If you’re one of those who likes to do proper research into shops before making a visit (which you always should), we hope that what you find here can make us a comfort shoe shop worth visiting in Singapore. 🙂
p.s if we’re served you before – please do remember to leave us a review if you were happy with our service! It gives us that extra energy and encouragement needed to survive those late nights spent crunching paperwork when the shop is closed.

What Kakis Say About Footkaki